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Camel Cigarettes

Camel – Cigarettes with impeccable reputation.

American brand Camel is known to each and every one. If you have not tried a Camel cigarette then you have definitely seen the pack somewhere. It simply stands out. The brand is currently owned and manufactured by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (U.S.A.) and there is also a company outside of the US that deals with Camel – this enterprise is Japan Tobacco.

What can we say about Camel cigarettes today? They are a nice mixture of Turkish Tobacco and Virginia Tobacco blends.

The city where the company was founded carries the name “Camel City” because of the brand’s popularity.

The history of Camel is more than 100 years old. In 2013 the brand celebrated the anniversary and has confirmed selling over 4 trillion cigarettes worldwide.

Smokers always say that “you know it when you smoke Camel”. And you actually do. Camel have their typical strong taste and a very pleasant aftertaste. Each cigarette is a high-quality creation bringing you true pleasure. is the website that will give you a change to buy your favorite brands for the cheapest prices on the internet. Don’t miss Camel brought to your doorstep by the best online store –